Simple Custom Flag Display Case Design
This example of a custom flag display case features the American flag and the certificate. Rich, silken, double acid-free mats closely match the flag’s fabric texture. A custom triangular opening was cut into the mats. The flag was folded into a position that reveals the stars in a precise triangular pattern for display. Then, the flag was sewn onto the mats. The dark blue and red mats, and the white mat reveals match the patriotic colors of the flag. Both the flag and the certificate are surrounded by an open V-groove. The open V-grove is our signature design element that adds depth and separation to the display case design. This flag display case features one of our popular frames for military and patriotic designs. The frame is constructed from black, all-wood moulding , with silver edging. The flag, certificate, and the silken mats were covered with 99% UV protective glass to prevent fading. This UV protection ensures the longevity of the flag, certificate, and mats inside the display case for future generations to enjoy.
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