Example of a Medical guidon for a Headquarters Company
This is an example of a regulation size medical guidon. This medical guidon example is facing in the reverse direction from other framed guidon examples on our website. This medical guidon was sewn in place to ensure that it does not fall, drop, droop, or sag with time. Many of our competitors tape guidons in place. Taping a guidon is not the preferred method for securing it in place. Sewing a guidon ensures that it is stretched tightly and that it keeps its shape through time. This guidon follows the career of a medical officer. Inside the guidon’s swallowtail area is an opening for a basic parachutist badge, a ribbon rack, and a gold satin finish custom nameplate with a black line border. Beneath the guidon is a row of objects that include: the 7th Infantry Division patch, captain’s rank bars, a satin gold tone custom nameplate with black line borders, Army Medical Service Corps officer insignia, and a US Army Medical Command patch. The medical guidon is framed using double acid-free/conservation grade mats. The top mat is a maroon suede mat. The bottom mat is a light yellow paper mat that matches the colors in the guidon. Surrounding the guidon is an open V-groove. The open V-groove provides separation and color contrast between the objects in the frame and the frame itself. The frame used in this design is an all wood gold tone finish with scalloped features. This guidon was presented many years ago and was recently framed by us. This guidon and the objects inside the frame are similar to the designs offered in our e-commerce store. Variations for any design in the store can be easily modified to suit a customer’s particular needs. If you see a design that you wish to have modified to suit your particular taste or interest, please contact us at 912–756–2781. In addition to framing guidons, we also offer numerous framing services for our military customers. Contact us if you have any questions or wish to have a design modified and we’ll gladly discuss designs with you. We are located at (Cindy’s Custom Framing & Antique Art, Inc) 10070 Ford Avenue, Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Our e-mail contact is sales@framedguidons.com We salute the veteran who framed this guidon after leaving military service. We appreciate her work and her support to keep America free!
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