Bravo Company 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation

Bravo Company 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Guidon

This is an example of a Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) guidon with military memorabilia. This embroidered 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment guidon is 12” x 9”. This Aviation guidon was custom framed for presentation as a gift. The gift was an expression of gratitude by the personnel in the company. The design for this B Company, 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) guidon includes an opening in the swallowtail area that contains a first sergeant’s rank pin. Directly under the aviation guidon is a custom engraved black nameplate. On the left side of the nameplate is a unit challenge coin. On the right side of the nameplate is a beret’s flash with a 160th SOAR pin. The design for this 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment guidon utilized triple mats. The top and bottom mats are etched black. The middle mat is a dark red/maroon. The guidon and the objects are triple matted using acid-free/conservation grade mats. Acid-free foamboard is used to provide additional depth and separation for the objects beneath the glass. Surrounding the objects is an open V-groove. The open V-groove provides added depth and creates a distinctive reveal. The reveal created by the open V-groove serves to separate the guidon and its objects by providing color contrast. The frame is an all-wood, black profile with red pinstripes. The design in this example is similar to the designs in our e-commerce section. With respect to design options, our customers are not limited exclusively to the designs in the e-commerce store. We can vary the frames and mats used to create different effects. We are more than happy to modify a design that features more or less objects in the frame—to suit our customer’s requirements. For additional information about custom guidon frames, or military picture framing, please contact us at 912–756–2781. We routinely modify designs to accommodate special request/needs for our military framing customers. We are custom picture framers specializing in framing for military customers located at (Cindy’s Custom Framing & Antique Art, Inc) 10070 Ford Avenue, Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Our e-mail contact is We salute Bravo Company, 3rd Battalion, 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment for their work and support to keep America free!