Example of Improper Way To Secure A Guidon Inside A Frame

Example of Improper Way To Secure A Guidon Inside A Frame Performed By A Budget Framer

Securing a guidon with packing tape is an improper way to attach the guidon inside the frame. First, this is not a conservation/archival way to frame. Using packing tape also risks the possibility off-gassing from the tape. This will result in acid damage to the contents framed. The second problem associated with using packing tape is the possibility that the guidon will slip or fall at some point in the future. We’ve been told of instances where a guidon was presented at a change of command ceremony, and the guidon fell in the frame. This happened because the guidon was taped to secure it in place. All of our guidons are sewn in place. Sewing a guidon is the preferred method because it is a conservation/archival method for properly attaching a guidon.