Custom Flag Frame For A Flag Flown During Operation Enduring Freedom In Afghanistan

Custom Flag Frame For A Flag Flown During Operation Enduring Freedom In Afghanistan

Flag Display Case – Example of a Custom Flag Frame For A Flag Flown During Operation Enduring Freedom In Afghanistan. The flag size is approximately 5’ x 3’ and it was placed folded into a triangular opening at the top of the frame. The triangular opening measures approximately 13.375” x 5.625” in size. Beneath the flag is a photograph showing two soldiers holding a flag. On the left beside the photograph is a 3rd ID insignia. On the right side of the photograph is a 10th Mountain Division insignia. In an opening beneath the photograph and the insignias is a commemorative nameplate acknowledging the dates and places the flag was flown. Triple acid-free/conservation grade mats were used in the design of this custom flag case. The top and bottom mats are Navy blue silken mats. The middle mat is red. An open V-groove surrounds the flag and the objects beneath it. The openings in the V-groove reveal the red middle mat. The red mat matches the colors in the flag. Also, the red in the V-groove’s opening provides symmetry. This serves to separate the objects from the frame in an artistic manner. Flag display cases similar to this one are frequently purchased by soldiers who have been deployed and wish to build a custom flag display case that commemorates their deployment. Also, flag display cases such as this one are purchased for gifts. Because each custom display case is unique, we have great flexibility with object placement beneath or around the flag. Contact us regarding any questions you may have about designing or acquiring custom flag display cases.

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