An Example Of A Custom Flag Display Case With Navy Memorabilia For A Navy Veteran

This Is An Example Of A Custom Flag Display Case With Navy Memorabilia

This is an example of a custom flag display case with Navy memorabilia for a Navy veteran. The design for this custom flag display case includes an American flag at the top. The flag is a standard 5’ x 3’ flag, and occupies an opening 13.375” x 5.625” in size. Beneath the flag are several rows of military memorabilia, including a photograph of the sailor. This flag display case contains Navy emblems, Navy, insignia, Navy, rank, medals, ribbons, and a commemorative nameplate. The design for this flag display case relies on triple mats. The top and bottom mats are silken Navy blue mats. The middle mat is a red paper mat. An open V-groove surrounds the flag and the objects. A silver tone wood frame was chosen for this design.

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