Framed Military Prints and Photos – Custom Framed Examples
The custom framed military prints and photos in this gallery provide a starting design point for customers seeking ideas for custom framing military prints and photos. The examples of framed military prints and photos in this section reflect an interest in quality framed military art, military prints, and military photos. The examples of limited edition prints and photos in this section also provide remembrances of military deployments, military units, duty stations, hardships, and friendships. The prints and photos in this gallery are framed with military mementos, unit patches, distinctive unit insignia, custom nameplates, military documents, rank pins, earned badges, and much more. We encourage you to examine the examples of custom framed military prints and photos in this gallery and use them as a design guide for custom framing.
We Can Modify Any Of The Framed Print & Photo Designs Shown In This Gallery
If there is an example of a custom frame or shadow box in this gallery containing military prints or photos that you wish to have customized, please contact us. We will modify any of these designs to suit your requirements.
A Summary For The Military Prints and Photos Illustrated Above
Thank you for visiting our Gallery Of Custom Framed Military Prints and Photos. The examples for the custom framed military prints and photos in this gallery were created for both active duty and retired military personnel.
The most common designs for displaying framed military prints and photos involve either black wood moulding, brown wood moulding with metal corner caps, or a champagne-toned wood frame. We also frame military prints and photos in shadow boxes with small objects. Some the framed military prints and photos include custom frame designs that are simple. The simple designs involve framing only the print or photo with one or two of the following items: a rank pin, unit patch, nameplate or a distinctive unit insignia. Complex framed military prints and photos generally include designs that use uniform patches, distinctive unit insignias, badges, nameplates, and military mementos in a shadow box or display case with more than one photo or print. The more complicated shadow box designs for prints and photos frequently include a flag. If a flag is used for a shadow box, the design will include military mementos such as insignias, patches, nameplates, and objects associated with the time and place where the photo or print originated. In some instances, items placed with the prints or photos are military mementos reflecting a deep bond between the soldiers and officers who served together.
Framed Military Prints and Photos – Customized Framing Designs
A number of factors influence the design for military print and photo frames. Some of these factors include: mat colors, the colors of the objects, the size of the print or the photo, flag or guidon sizes, and the number of objects framed with the print or photo.
Examples of Framed Military Prints and Photos – Shadow Box Size Variations
Throughout the gallery of Custom Framed Military Prints and Photos, we showcase a wide variety of designs illustrating framed military prints and photos. Some of the prints are highly collectible by well-known military artists. On the other hand, the photos may be informal, but they tell a story about the soldier and his mission or deployment. The examples prints and photos in this gallery include objects (patches, insignias, crests, awards, citations, etc.) framed with medals and flags. The number of objects included in a typical print or photo frame largely depends on the purpose of the display. Many of the examples in this section include medals, flags, and military mementos to create a military retirement shadow box. We have also framed prints and photos posthumously for a veteran’s son or daughter. This is often done in order for the children to commemorate their parent’s role in the military. Including a flag in the display case with prints, photos, insignia, and rank pins increases the shadow box’s size. We believe a much better job can be done by custom framing prints and photos with a veteran’s memorabilia, as opposed to simply putting the items inside a ready-made frame from a department store.
Smaller Framed Military Prints and Photos
This gallery also features a number of examples of small framed military prints and photos in frames and shadow boxes. As mentioned above, the smaller display cases typically have a print or photo with one or two items in the frame.
Examples of Larger Framed Military Prints and Photos
Examples of larger shadow boxes for prints and photos reflect a service member’s sense of honor and duty. Adding items to the shadow box such as insignias, patches, challenge coins, distinctive unit insignias, and custom engraved nameplates often tell the story of a dedicated military career. This story is enhanced with the addition of prints and photos in the frame. Examples of the larger shadow boxes for prints and photos in this section are often created for retirement, for PCS, and for a change of command.
Mat Colors Vary With When Framing Military Prints and Photos
What colors go well with framed military prints and photos? It depends on the predominate color in the print or the photograph. On the other hand, if the objective is promote something other than a photo or a print, the dynamics of the mat color’s design changes. For example, if the objective is to frame a medal with a print or photo, the medal may be deemed more important than the print or the photo. In the case of framing a bronze star medal for example, the top mat’s colors are either red or royal blue. If the military prints or photos are part of a desert theme, then buff or khaki colored mats will be used for a shadow box. In this case, the mat colors are influenced by the colors of the objects framed with the prints and photos. We have examples of this—using buff mats with military deployment photos and distinctive unit insignia.
Examples of Textured Mats with Framed Military Prints and Photos
Another design that enhances the visual appeal of military prints and photos involves the use of textured mats. Textured mats are often the preferred choice for our customers who frame objects with prints or photos. Examples in this section reveal our customers’ preference for texture in both large and small frames. Silken and linen mats simulate the texture of the fabric. Silken mats are very popular when framing a flag with medals and photos. For large limited edition prints, black suede mats are often selected.
Secondary Mat Color Considerations When Framing Military Prints and Photos
Typically, the second mat (or more often the middle mat) used to frame limited prints will match the secondary color in the military print. Or will match the secondary colors in the overall frame/shadow box design.
Examples Provide Ideas For Custom Framing Military Prints and Photos
The framed military prints and photos displayed in this gallery range in size from a small 3”x5” photos in shadow boxes, up to full-size limited edition prints with objects in the frame. We have framed limited edition and open edition military art prints. We also offer archival Giclee reproductions of military recruiting posters. Examples of these military recruiting posters are framed with objects. Many of these reproductions print have been given away as PCS gifts. One of the most common authentic Army recruiting posters we have framed is the U.S. Army “Rock of The Marne” poster. The “Rock of The Marne” poster is often framed with 3rd patches. We have a limited number of these original posters available for sale.
The largest frame we have designed for prints and photos was for a military shadow box. It was a retirement shadow box that contained medals, ribbons, pins, patches, a custom nameplate, the soldier’s photograph, a flag, and a retirement certificate. The shadow box’s size was 36 inches wide x 51 inches tall.
Need ideas for framing military prints and photos? Here are just a few suggestions based on the examples in this section:
- Create a medal and ribbon shadow box that includes a photograph to honor a veteran’s military service
- Use a medal and ribbon display case with a photograph to provide a gift of gratitude
- When framing a graduation diploma, certificate, or award—include a photograph celebrating the event in the frame
- Framed military prints and photos display make great gifts for a family member
- Use a collection of framed military prints and photos to create a memorable retirement gift
- Use a framed limited edition print with mementos and a nameplate to honor a fellow service member’s contribution
- Create a custom framed photo collage with military memorabilia in a shadow box that commemorates your service or a family member’s service. This type of shadowbox design is a perfect way to honor a family member for their service in an heirloom that can be passed down to future generations.
- Custom framing military prints and photos is the proper way to display a limited edition print or collectable art and preserve it against damage
We hope the examples in this section offer ideas for custom framing military prints and photos. All of the design examples in this section can be easily modified. If you wish to have additional or larger objects framed with prints or photos, we can create an artistic design that not only displays your items, but protects and preserves them as family heirlooms.
Contact us with any questions you may have about the examples, or request a quote for a similar project’s pricing. Contact us by phone (912-756-2781) or use our contact form.