89th Military Police Brigade – “Proven In Battle” Framed Print

89th Military Police Brigade - "Proven In Battle" Framed Print

89th Military Police Brigade – “Proven In Battle” Framed Military Print: This is an example of a custom framed military art print. This example features the 89th Military Police Brigade during Operation Iraqi Freedom. This custom military framed print features the artwork at the top and military mementos beneath the print. The design for this military print includes patches, coins, insignia, and a custom nameplate beneath the artwork. The piece features triple acid-free mats. The mats are cut to match the shapes of the objects beneath the print. The custom mat cut adds depth to the design. The frame is a brown tone wood profile with metal corner caps. This particular frame is our most popular one for framing military art. Conservation grade framing materials and protective UV glass were used to frame this piece.
Our shop specializes in custom framing military art, military prints, and military photos. Even the design for simple military prints benefit when balanced with objects and memorabilia that reflect a significant event in the life of a soldier, as illustrated in this photograph. We have framed similar military photographs in a number of different ways. And we welcome the opportunity to design something unique for you. Framed military photographs make a great gift. In addition to this example, we offer a number of framed military print and photo designs suitable for PCS gifts, retirement gifts, and for a change of command gift. Custom framed military art and photos make great gifts for all occasions. We are custom military framers practicing conservation grade framing. This is only one of the many examples found on our site “Framed Guidons” illustrating our custom framing services. Our physical location is Cindy’s Custom Framing & Antique Art, Inc., 10070 Ford Avenue Richmond Hill, GA 31324. Phone 1-912-756-2781 and our websites are https://framedguidons.com or www.cindysantiqueart.com

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