Military Shadow Box Examples – Tomahawk With Ranger Coins, Patch, and Memorabilia

Military Shadow Box Examples - Tomahawk With Ranger Coins, Patch, and Memorabilia

This is an example of a custom military shadow box that contains Ranger memorabilia. In the center of the shadow box is a Tomahawk. It is surrounded by Ranger memorabilia, including the first Ranger Battalion tab, badges, challenge coins, and military insignia. Directly beneath the Tomahawk is a custom engraved nameplate. The shadow box’s design includes triple mats. The top and bottom mats are a buff-desert color. The middle mat is black. An open V groove surrounds the objects and the Tomahawk. A rectangular wood, black matte finish frame completes the shadow box design. We routinely create military shadow boxes for different branches of the service. This shadow box reflects a sense of appreciation by the men who served under their commander. The shadow box was presented as a token of their appreciation. Although the design for this was for U.S. Army Ranger memorabilia, we can accommodate military shadow box designs for different areas of interest. Military shadow boxes make great gift for a change-of-command or a PCS.

2 Responses to “Military Shadow Box Examples – Tomahawk With Ranger Coins, Patch, and Memorabilia”

  1. John September 29, 2022 at 11:56 am #

    What are the dimensions of this box?

    • Cindy September 30, 2022 at 7:10 am #

      The frame size is 26 inches wide x 24 inches in height. If I can be of further assistance just let me know.
      Thank you.

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